29th April - fly to New York City, spend a night there (where? with whom?)
30th April - catch the train to Charlottesville, Virginia, where my cousins live. I'll be passing through Philadelphia, Washington DC on the way.
May - visit three Clubhouses in virginia. These are: Highstreet Clubhouse, Charlottesville http://www.vanc.org/; Phoenix Star Clubhouse, Roanoke http://www.phoenixstarclubhouse.org/; The Mill House Clubhouse, Richmond http://www.communityfuturesva.org/ .
Also May - visit Giveback Inc. Orlando Florida http://www.givebackorlando.com/
End of May/Beginning of June - Washington DC, visit Edgar Khan, inventor of Timedollars, and witness the business of the Youth Court system, http://www.tdyc.org-a.googlepages.com/
2nd week of June - visit the Brain Injury Day Treatment Programme at the Rusk Institute for Rehabilitation, NYC http://rusk.med.nyu.edu/for-patients-families/options-care/outpatients/brain-injury
Also June - visit the Neurobehavioural Resource Project, and School and Community Support Inc., Albany NY http://www.scssconsulting.com/4436.html
Also June - visit the Ohio Valley Centre for Brain Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation, Columbus OH http://www.ohiovalley.org/; also make use of any other opportunities arising (possibilities include the West Side Health Authority, Chicago, IL http://www.healthauthority.org/; Timebanking Conference, Madison, WI www.timebanksusa.org)
27th June - fly back to London and have a sit down.
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